Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > FAQ > How to > Domain Name > How to Register domain name?
Registering a domain name is very simple. All you have to do is to click on the Domain Names tab of the World Cloud Hosting Bar Menu and then you have to choose your domain name and the TLD (.com, .net, .org, ...).
Insert the security code and wait the check of the availability of your chosen Domain Name. If the domain name is available, you can go to the second step, else you have to choose another name for your domain, which is available.
At the Second Step, you can insert your Domain Name Server DNS where your Domain Name will be redirected. If you haven't a Hosting Solution, you can order it from World Cloud Hosting .
You can now pass to the third ,and final, step of your registring operation, which is the checkout before the payment.
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