Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > FAQ > How to > Hosting > How to choose successfully your host?
The first question that arises when you want to create a website, a blog, or a database. According to what criterion can we choose a web host?
Today on the market, there are thousands of companies offering web hosting services. Choosing your web host may be seen as a trivial thing. While the choice of a bad web host involves a site frequently inaccessible. Something that would hurt your site, especially if it is an online business. From there you should choose a reliable web host.
In researching a web host, there are some selection criteria to ensure quality and better service for:
- Security
We must check security protocols used by the hosting provider to ensure network security and server equipment.
- Customer Service
Check if the hosting provider delivers to his customers a live chat, a telephone support or an assistance via email. Thus an online support reachable 7 day/7 days and 24 hours/24 to avoid to get stuck when a failure occurs.
- Packages
Ensure that the packages offered are competitive and reasonable, for the services being requested in terms of quality / price ratio to avoid to be scammed.
- Performance
Check that your site will still be accessible by internet users, especially if you manage an online store.
- And why not optional services
- Afirewall to avoid all intrusions.
- An unlimited incoming and outgoing traffic.
- Fast delivery, few minutes after purchase.
- Webmail
- Anti-Spam
- Anti-Phishing
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