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What is perl ?


Perl (Practical Extraction and Reporting Language) is a programming language. Perl came from the UNIX world and it replaced other utilities that are commonly used in the UNIX system. Perl is a scripting language to make report processing easier. Perl is assigned as one of the most popular CGI scripting language. Perl is a programming language that is relatively easy to pick up. It can be used in a wide variety of different settings. Perl is also an open source technology which means that it’s not only available for free but also opens to you to take a look on how it works. It’s called by Larry Wall as “the first post-modern programming language. Perl was designed for text processing. Another major aspect which makes Perl so famous worldwide is that it’s very flexible. It allows you to keep your task done the way you want to.

Perl is not only powerful but also fun to use!. Perl is now described as the most widely used web scripting ever!

Perl is available with World Cloud Hosting  linux hosting packages along with other programming languages like PHP5, Python... visit World Cloud Hosting for more detailed information.



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