Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > About Everything > vSmart server: the best VPS for developers
vSmart Server is a new server dedicated for developers to establish their hosted appliance. VSS is a combination of two layers of cloud computing system; Infrastructure- as-a- service ( IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service( PaaS), the former sits at the bottom of the operating system whereas the latter sits at the middle of the system:
On the one hand, IaaS service includes off-site server, storage, and networking hardware, which you rent and access over the Internet. With the vSmart server developers can run their businesses smoothly and get rid of additional costs and wasted office space.
On the other hand, PaaS service ensures that all the development of your hosted application happens at this layer, saving you time. It provides Web application management, application design, application hosting, storage, security and application development collaboration tools.
Furthermore, PaaS offers the following Application Development software which uses the potency and the flexibility of the cloud:
• Versioning: involves recording and managing changes of multiuser server. It helps you work efficiently with your development team with the same revision level
• Framework: a software framework for development of dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. Thanks to the framework software you can use any programming language required for your hosted application such as Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP,...
• Application server: It carries out all your hosted Java Applications with Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Geronimo, GlassFish. Thanks to the well performance of VSS , all these application servers are hosted in a well-organized way.
• Data base: handles all your hosted data and records through open sources databases like MySql, NoSql PostgresSql…
• Cloud Foundry: deploy developer’s hosted application in 30 seconds.
At World Cloud Hosting we offer up a wide variety of solutions for developing applications over the Internet that’s why we created the vSmart Server in order to help developers save their money , time and resources.
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