Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > FAQ > How to > McMyAdmin Web Admin Panel > How to create a World Backup ?
To backup your current map/world in McMyAdmin follow these steps:-Go to the "Backups" tab-Type a name for your backup under: "New Backup"-Once you have named your backup simply, press the "Create New Backup" button and wait for the backup to be completed.Important: You must delete your existing world before restoring from a backup. Failing to do this will result in a corrupted world.You can do this via "Preferences" -> "Delete World"World Cloud Hosting recommends you stay diligent with your backups, make sure you backup your world frequently, so in case of data loss you can be assured you have a good copy of your world on hand. We recommend a 1/day schedule.
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