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Adding groups and users to GroupManager

*To create a new group, type
/mangadd Builder
That will create a new group called Builder.
*Now we should have our group inherit abilites from our Default group. Lets type
/mangaddi Builder Default
Builder now inherits all the commands from our Default group.
*Lets add a permission to our new group.
/mangaddp Builder essentials.warp
We've now givin the Builder group the ability to use Essentials' /warp command. They can't create or delete warps but can teleport to them.
*Now lets add a chat tag for our new group.
/mangaddv Builder prefix [Builder]
Now when a user of that group talks in chat they'll have [Builder] before their name.
*Now lets add a user to our new group.
/manuadd Bob Builder
Now Bob's in the group Builder. He'll have access to /warp and have a [Builder] tag before his name.

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