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linux vps hosting

Linux is an free open source OS (Operating System) using an UNIX base (as Mac OS).

Linux is a project conceived from a hacker community to promote the free software movement, launched in 1983, in order to create an operating system which can be developped by a community and shared without any restriction. It was called GNU project.

In 1991, the Linux nucleus was built by Linus Torvalds and then began the long evolution of this operating system. After updates and upgrades, the Linux OS aquired a graphical interface and many free applications developped by the open source community. It is characterized by high security levels and by distributions stability.

Linux has also a huge number distributions. The most popular are Red Hat, Debian and Slackware (they are the base of hundreds of distributions).

Every Linux distribution has its own features. CentOS is optimized for server and network use (same thing for Red Hat and Debian), Ubuntu has an intuitive desktop interface, BackTrack has pre-installed testing security softwares... And there is many other Linux distibutions with their own specifities and functionnalities.

But the real Linux Power focus in only one thing : the Console! This is the advantage of an UNIX base. You can do everything you want via this interface. Moreover, most hosting provider will give you a server reachable via this tool. It is like the MS-Dos for Windows.

World Cloud Hosting proposes hosting solutions like VPS with free Linux distributions as Ubuntu, CentOS, S.U.S.E, Fedora...

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